Stanford-UPenn-Duke-Weill Cornell Cardiovascular Research Symposium Poster Award

December 15, 2023

Congratulations to all the remarkable individuals who participated in our recent poster presentation event! With over 120 outstanding posters showcasing a diverse range of innovative ideas and research, we are thrilled to announce the 15 awardees.

Prize Category: Postdoc

Poster titles in italics

Aly Elezaby

Direct Interaction of Cardiac Troponin I with Mitochondrial ATP Synthase: A Noncanonical Role in the Ischemic Heart

Anne-Sophie Colombe

Regulation of cardiac hypertrophy by a calcium/calcineurin- CIP4 intracellular signaling compartment

Matt Worssam

Osteochondrogenic Transcription Factor SOX9 Regulates the Epigenetic Mechanisms of Atherosclerosis and Intimal Calcification

Rachel Baum

Impaired Microtubule Mediated Protein Trafficking as a Mechanism of PLN R14del Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Tahmina Samad

Mitochondrial Dysfunction And Fatty Acid Metabolism Derangement In Pediatric Single Ventricle Congenital Heart Disease

Sangkyun Cho

Selective inhibition of matrix mechanosensing in stromal cells attenuates cardiovascular fibrosis

Chad Weldy

RNA editing enzyme ADAR1 in vascular smooth muscle controls vascular integrity and progression of atherosclerosis

Perry S. Choi

Unifocalization and Complex Biventricular Repair in Patients with MAPCAs: Simple is Key

Shaunak Adkar

Dissecting the Genetic Architecture of Intracranial Aneurysms

Xuekun Wu

EphA3 is a crucial determinant of cardiovascular fibrosis

Prize Category: Predoc

Poster titles in italics

Angela Zhang

ChatGPT Exhibits Gender and Racial Biases in Acute Coronary Syndrome Management 

Rosa A. Silva Hernandez

Investigating the Effect of Patch Geometry on 3D-Printed Lattice Micro-Array Patch (L-MAP) for Insertion

Zhainib A. Amir-Ugokwe

In vitro model of the vein-to-artery cell fate conversion to test candidate arteriogenesis pathways 

Casey A. Gilles

TWIST1 Regulates Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype Reprogramming in Marfan Syndrome Aortic Root Aneurysm Development

Yuhsin Vivian Huang

The Critical Role of the CXCR3-CXCL9/10 Axis in T-cell-Macrophage Crosstalk in Immunotherapy-mediated Myocarditis

Event Photos

Poster session

Postdoc awardees

Predoc awardees